Rob Tibshirani
Author of 18 CRAN packages
With 18 packages completed, Rob Tibshirani is showing some serious coding chops. The future looks bright! Rob Tibshirani teamed up with 42 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
18 Packages
- ISLRData for an Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
- ISLR2Introduction to Statistical Learning, Second Edition
- PMAPenalized Multivariate Analysis
- ProDenICAProduct Density Estimation for ICA using Tilted Gaussian Density Estimates
- SGLFit a GLM (or Cox Model) with a Combination of Lasso and Group Lasso Regularization
- SLOPESorted L1 Penalized Estimation
- TrioSGLTrio Model with a Combination of Lasso and Group Lasso Regularization
- clusterReproReproducibility of Gene Expression Clusters
- earthMultivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
- glassoGraphical Lasso: Estimation of Gaussian Graphical Models
- glmnetLasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models
- hierNetA Lasso for Hierarchical Interactions
- pamrPam: Prediction Analysis for Microarrays
- protoclustHierarchical Clustering with Prototypes
- selectiveInferenceTools for Post-Selection Inference
- sparseglSparse Group Lasso
- spcovSparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix
- superpcSupervised Principal Components
- Trevor Hastie
- Daniela Witten
- Gareth James
- Balasubramanian Narasimhan
- Sam Gross
- Noah Simon
- Jerome Friedman
- Krystyna Grzesiak
- Emmanuel Candes
- Malgorzata Bogdan
- Weijie Su
- Jonas Wallin
- Michal Burdukiewicz
- Ewout van den Berg
- Johan Larsson
- Evan Patterson
- Chiara Sabatti
- Junyang Qian
- Jakub Kała
- Akarsh Goyal
- Timo Stöcker
- Amy Kapp
- Thomas Lumley
- Stephen Milborrow
- Alan Miller
- Kenneth Tay
- James Yang
- Jacob Bien
- Gilbert Chu
- Stephen Reid
- Ryan Tibshirani
- Jonathan Taylor
- Joshua Loftus
- Jelena Markovic
- Yi Yang
- Hui Zou
- Daniel J. McDonald
- Xiaoxuan Liang
- Anibal Solón Heinsfeld
- Aaron Cohen
- Jean-Eudes Dazard
- Eric Bair